Tuesday, December 31, 2019

History of the Cello Essay - 942 Words

Cello The Cello, a very unique mid size instrument of the 16th century, was very interesting. Originally called the violoncello, the cello received its name from violone meaning a larger and cello in Italian means shoulder. The meaning suggests a big violin that can be played between ones legs and held in place by a strap. The cello was also influenced by a number of people that made this instrument a success. There is a little history about this instrument that I think you will enjoy. The first known account of this instrument was in Agricola’s, Wittenberg 1528, were it was part of a bass consort. The first known maker of a cello was Andrea Amati and his descendants in Cremona and Gasparo da Salo in Brescia during the 1500’s. The†¦show more content†¦The dimensions of the cello are measured at around 75-6cm long and 44.5cm wide. The dimensions of the cello can be accredited to Antonio Stradivari back in 1707 with his smaller model they called â€Å"forma B†. The larger models of Stradivari times were the â€Å"Servais† cello of 1701 which is 79cm long and 47cm wide. The makers of cellos quickly realized that there was a need for more than one kind of cello. They needed the larger ones with thick strings for orchestra playing and also the smaller ones with thin strings for solo pieces. The measurements of the neck and fingerboard of cello that has been documented , is those of James Talbot in 1695 with the size of 10 inches lon g on the neck and 13 inches from the nut to the end of the fingerboard. The fingerboard would gain length as the range of the hand positions increased by the players. The instrument is played with a bow. Although Monteverdi was one of the first to use the violoncello in his piece â€Å"Orfeo† in 1607, many cellists used the instrument. In the 17th century around Bologna, Petronio Franceschini, Domenico Garielli, and Maria Jacchini were all well known solo performers. There are sonatas written by famous composers such as Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin, and Brahms. There has been a number of cello concertos written were the solo is accompanied by an orchestra. To name a few of those memorably pieces are: 25 by Vivaldi, 12 by Boccherini, A few pieces by Hayden,Show MoreRelatedThe Piano : A Instrument Of The Instrument1426 Words   |  6 PagesThe cello is truly a spectacular instrument to have survived for hundreds of years and to be steadily gaining popularity in the 21st cent ury. The cello is an exceptionally remarkable and charming instrument, and it possesses a long history, as do its players and composers. The cello is a crucial component of orchestras, string ensembles, and various other performing groups, while still maintaining its position as a powerful solo instrument. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Braille Passion - 798 Words

According the World Health Organization, approximately 285 million people across the world are suffering an impaired vision. They cannot read or write in normal letters; they use Braille to communicate. Braille is a writing system that employs tactile sensation instead of its visual counterpart. I have been learning Braille for a year and am able to read and write in English Braille. This system of writing is my passion. The reason why Braille writing captivates me dates back to three years ago. I was seeing floaters in my eyes, and the doctor diagnosed me with vitreous degeneration. The diagnosis meant that my vitreous, the fluid inside my eyes, had a chance to detach. The detachment can permanently damage my vision. Even without the†¦show more content†¦Unlike any normal writing systems, Braille is written from right to left but is read from left to right. Moreover, what I have learned from this passion is that there is no limitation that can block you from enjoying a succ essful life. If your visual condition bars you from writing normally, you can still write in Braille and get your ideas heard. Braille teaches me that, if you have any disability or disadvantage, all you have to do is to try harder and overcome whatever is keeping you behind. Once you overcome those obstacles, you are standing on the same ground as everyone else but even with more experiences and a more enduring quality. With this passion, I have found the meaning of life. In life, you are given a privilege: whether it is a complete vision or any other things that you might normally take for granted. The reason why you have those privileges is to use them to assist those who lack such opportunity. For instance, if you have a perfectly normal vision, you can learn the Braille more easily than the blind do. You then can use that knowledge to help the blind by writing a Braille book or simply writing a sign in Braille. I once assisted with translating a fairy tale into Braille for the kids who do not have a chance to read it. One of the works I take greatest pride in is a star wheel. I used Braille to symbolize eachShow MoreRelatedBraille : The World Of The Blind1162 Words   |  5 PagesBraille: Imagine if you couldn t see anything. You are seized by darkness and enclosed by a constant perception to look. You are blind as a bat and the colors you see in this world are only the ones you have imagined. The world would be a very contrasting place. Powerless to read a thrilling book and incompetent to do the most delighted hobbies. Unable to understand the appearance of your self and others, where everything you see is what your wild imagine has led you to believe. This is the worldRead MoreAssistive Technology Plan Essay975 Words   |  4 Pageslet his impairment affect the quality of his life. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Hrm587 “Classics” Supplemental Articles List Free Essays

HRM587 â€Å"Classics† Supplemental Articles List (Available in DeVry University/Keller Online Library) The articles listed below have all been acknowledged as contributing in significant ways to our understanding about change. We refer to them as â€Å"classics. † Many have been cited extensively in the literature and either share the foundations of the theories and practices discussed in our course or amplify them. We will write a custom essay sample on Hrm587 â€Å"Classics† Supplemental Articles List or any similar topic only for you Order Now They are presented here in the hopes that students will have an interest in digging deeper in their research for the final project and/or that they will refer back to them in their ongoing development as leaders. All have been searched in our EBSCO database and we include ISSN Numbers here for your ease of retrieval. We hope they contribute to your learning about Change Management and Leadership. Beer, M. Nohria, N. (May/June 2000). Cracking the Code of Change. Harvard Business review, 78(3), 133-141 ISSN 00178012 Christensen, C. Overdorf, M. (March/April 2000). Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change. Harvard Business Review, 78 (2), 66-76. ISSN 00178012 Beer, M. Eisenstat, R. Spector, B. (November/December 1990). Why Change Programs Don’t Produce Change. Harvard Business Review, 68 (6), 158-166. ISSN 00178012 Mintzberg, H. (July/August 1987). Crafting Strategy. Harvard Business Review, 65 (4), 66-75. ISSN 00178012 Collins, J. C. Porras, J. I. (1996, September/October). Building your company’s vision. Harvard Business Review, 74(5), 65-78. ISSN 00178012 Nadler, D. Tushman, M. (August, 1987). Organizational Frame Bending: Principles for Managing Reorientation. Academy of Management Executive, 3 (3), 194-204. ISSN 08963789 Peiperl, M. Baruch, Y. (Spring, 1997) Back to Square Zero: The Post-Corporate Career Organizational Dynamics, 25 (4), 6-22. ISSN 00902616 Orlikowski, W. Hufman, D. (Winter 1997) An Improvisational Model for Change Management: the Case of Groupware Technologies. Sloan Management Review, 38 (2), 11-21. ISSN 0019848X How to cite Hrm587 â€Å"Classics† Supplemental Articles List, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Dimension Human Civilization In Near Future-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Dimension Human Civilization In Near Future? Answer: Introduction Biomedical engineering will be the basis of new dimension in the human civilization in the near future. Certain interesting science fiction stories can be imagined with the use of biomedical signals in the next 25 years. It is already known that the biomedical signals can detect out physiological processes in our body like the rhythmic pumping of heart, pulmonary system, oxygenation of our own blood. In the future, new research will bring use of the biomedical signals in detection of the physiological processes of the aliens that the humans will live with in the near future. Biomedical signals can also be used in the manipulation of the nucleotide codes and create super-babies with all desired characters. Story of biomedical revolution in the future The emerging question in the century is that are humans only intelligent species on earth or there are other intelligent life in the far universe. It is already known that there is certain other galaxies far away from us. It is imagined that there may be another planet like that of earth that may be lived by more advanced species than us. It could be that they are mediating the rules of our own milky-way galaxies (Arslan-Yildiz et al 2016). The great astronomers and the astrophysics, astrobiology all are finding this type of mysterious information in this present. But if the future of the human changes with the new more innovative research that will bring out new techniques in biomedical signals that will be changing us and making us more adaptable to withstand any condition (Gubbi et al 2013). This might help the people locate to large distances separated by the stars. Today it seems that it might take million of years to overcome the bridge of the place where the extraterrestrial c ivilisation exists. So if in future the humans find such a place like Pandora. The next question that will come is the place suitable for the living of the humans (Fontanarosa, and Bauchner 2015). That time the biomedical science has already taken a great loop. Every place around robots and humans are equally spotted. To the most interesting thing is that some humans even have special abilities. The CRISPR cas9 technology along with the biomedical signals have helped to modify their weak bases in DNA and made them super beings (Dhawan et al 2015). However there could always be a drawback, the technology was found to be suitable for only for few groups of people and not for all. This special group of people is called the Oddity. They are the mutant beings and their genetic makeup has well responded to the changes that were administered to them artificially (Goldman 2013). They are the children of atom and are homo superior and could be the next link to evolution. They are born with g enetic mutation which will be manifested in the puberty stage. These people will always be a subject of research in the biomedical engineering. The researchers of various fields will try to use biomedical signals like the electric current, electric potential, magnetic field to study their features and with a use of techniques like CRISPR- CAS9, genes could be easily edited and will make them adaptable to different conditions. Biomedical signals revolution will cure huge spectrum of disease. However, no good things are without bad (Coccia 2014). Some of the Oddity may be using their powers in wrong ways to capture the world. They will be the bad creatures who will be feared as they will be hurting the innocent people. Again there will be super heroes who will be using their powers for good in resisting and fighting against the bad guys. There will be professor Cerebro who will be forming a school to train the special beings in right terms. They will be taught to use their powers to protect our universe (Amos et al 2017). The oddities had fascinating powers like controlling other people mind, had claws of steal, could control fire, or could be invisible at any time. Thus in future everything is ruled with the powers and blessings of the biomedical signals. Often the world will see fighting of tremendous powers. The world will often face the subjection of the nuclear powers that come from the bad oddities. Then at that point of crisis, the security of the people will be defined by the motivated team of super heroes who will be dedicating themselves in the protection of the weak beings. The scientists at that modern time had the ability to enter the subconscious mind of the mentally ill people and cure them. There will be stories heard of a scientist dealing with a girl who will be locked in the cage of demon and the scientist will find difficulty to release him. This will be the modern point of exorcism. At that century the holiday destination will be our neighboring planet Mars. Biomedical science has developed to such limit that they change the mechanism or prepare certain machines that are easy to hand le while their voyage in the planet and make them suitable to enjoy there (Banos et al 2015). The holiday destination Mars will be made attractive to trap the tourist attraction. News in the paper will come from the scientists at a time using biomedical engineering in synthetic biology to resurrect the persons from death. News will come from the genetically enhanced boy who escaped from the government institution of the Oddity soldier training and used an electromagnetic pulse weapon that destroyed almost all the communication and computer systems in a country. Scientists will be engaged in protecting the humans from the internal forces that arise with the conflict between the evil and good Oddity. DNA will be the samples that will be collected from different persons and make suitable use of the biomedical engineering to develop ways of protection (Jasanoff, Hurlbut and Saha 2015). The most interesting fact that the world might see is the successful de-extinction of certain lost species. May be mammoth could be brought alive and will be living with us again. It can also be that again Sabertooth tigers or Dinosaur brought to life by engaging the genetic manipulation techniques and using the biomedical forces to judge and make them adaptable to the changed environment (Brugnera Junior and Bagnato 2015). With these state of imaginative stories in future coming true, the most striking change that came is that a Scientist Thomas Perry invented a tool that helped him to easily locate the signal of a superior being from a distant galaxy, Andromeda. This incident created a stir among the scientists in different parts of the world. Long they had tried to engineer spaceship which is shaped with the recent development in biomedical forces. The spaceship will be fast enough to travel the light years in few hours (Park 2014). The spaceship was also equipped with treatments that will make the riders easily adaptable to any conditions. The forbidden planet was located in a different galaxy from ours. The spaceship will now be used to make the adventure into the planet in order to interact with the superior beings and to know more about their features. The spaceship will be named C-89E and will be taking all the elite scientists from different fields like biomedical engineers, geneticist, biochem ists, physicist, Geologists, engineers. The Oddity or the special force will also be taken to make them adjustable according to the environment. Scientists have already found out the environment of Theia. However, they are unsure of the nature of the beings that exist there. The normal persons will be carried in a coffin that will be made of advanced biomedical technologies that will ensure the normal physiological processes of the humans to be carried well. When they reach the atmosphere of the Andromeda galaxy in which the planet Theia exists. Since while traveling to Andromeda galaxy will engage the travel through different other unknown galaxies, the biomedically computed coffins are made that will keep the humans and the Oddities in a sleeping state while their bodies will perform the normal functions. During this time the operations of the spaceships will be managed by the robots. It will take about 1 month to travel about 3 million light years. As the spaceship will enter And romeda, the well-created robots will check the estimated conditions that will be favorable for the survival of the humans and the Oddity and will open the coffins for them. It might induce complicated side effects either for staying there long or due to the acclimatization process. Some of the humans faced dizziness, vomiting. Some of the mutants showed less arrival of their superior characters or powers. When the conditions get stable, C-89E will now make its way into Theia. All the people are excited and enthralled to learn more about the species that exist there. Dilemmas will come regarding their behavior. Will they be friendly enough to welcome them or will they be aggressive (Ricotti and Menciassi 2013). The journey of C-89E will be broadcasted in the news. Common people are equally excited to know about the aliens. Since there are no good satellite connections the information that the earth will receive will be the blur. Meantime, the Oddity soldiers will be prepared to be launched with the robots to keep their feet on Theia. This will be a very crucial moment for them. The riders in the spaceship will get a live video of the conditions and nature around. As the selected ones were prepared for their step in the planet, nature around was seen as the dark and dusty islands surrounded with creepers and large trees. The view will be a panorama. They will now explore the temperature conditions and the things that are unsuitable for the existence of the humans there. Soon they might come across the civilization of new people. It was found they were bald and more muscular than the human. They were calm to welcome them. Next, they took them to their hub which will be found with a more natur al concept in technologies than the artificial ones. They more rely on the concepts of nature than the artificially made things. Thus this planet will provide a hope for the earth which will be almost depleted with the natural resources. They even came across the tree of souls that transfer energy to them. The robots and the Oddity will make sure to understand the conditions and nature of the surrounding. They were even sent to collect a sample of their DNA from any part of a tissue. A robot will collect a dead body of the alien. This will be the great step for the scientists to study their genetic makeup and design themselves to fit in that world (Cheng and Xie 2016). The DNA sample collected from the corpse will be studied and it might be that they bear about 92% similarity with the humans and were found to have an extra 5th nucleotide base. The radiation study by using biomedical engineering will be also used to find the age of the corpse. Such interesting stories can happen in the future (Trimmer 2014). The biomedical signals can identify and distinguish the physiologic functions of the alien and how that it is different from us. Questions will arise like if the aliens are living outside there has so much similarity with our genetic constitution, then humans can also live there equally (Jivani et al 2015). But again the 8% difference how it came. Maybe that 8% difference might have made them more superior than us. They are the real god who is dictating the rules of our solar system. They even showed the soldiers that our universe fits in a glass which they manipulate according to them. The aliens also wore bioengineered suits and talked in reso nating voice. So in near future about 25 years later with the development of biomedical science, we can meet the real god. So the question will arise. Are we already walking in the step to reach the power of god one day?. Then what will be the impact? Will it be supportive or invite more danger to the existence of the supreme being? Theia has indeed supported well with the source of the Gods sample. The people there will be named theirs. The scientists are already engaged in finding new ways to imitate the genetic make-up of the therians. However, the negative impact will be already started. Since the greedy humans came and took one of the corpses of their superior leader. They got furious. Soon they launched a nuclear war with the planet earth and have given the message of the threat of ending the existence of the human and their creation. Since our universe fits only in the glass being controlled by the theians, this will be a huge challenge for them. The war would be sudden, so this might be the end of the day of the planet earth. So as the human civilization got the ultimate answer to the highest point of superiority, they ended up digging their own graves. The every own existence of the most curious creature of the universe came into question them. The authorities of various regions of the planet alerted th e people of the invasion of aliens in the planet. The invasion will make a mark the day when the earth might stand still. Measures will be taken in order to launch special training for creating the soldiers of Oddity. More new biomedical machines will be used to give extra facilities in order to increase the powers of the nuclear weapon guns of the Oddity (Shortliffe and Cimino 2013). At first, a secret operation will be made with the mutant beings. This is done in order to resist the quick and sudden arrival of the aliens in our planet. The people will be actively engaged to trap the location of the target however it seems that they are almost invisible. Soon it will be found that they will be launching their targets in a very different way. Since they are more advanced, they will have invisible U.F.O that might hit anytime in our atmosphere like the meteor. The people will be almost numbed and confused as they will not be able to track their location till it enters the atmosphere. This could be very dangerous as this might not give them time to prepare themselves for the counter attack or resisting them (Vo-Dinh 2014). Conclusion Finally, the time came when the moving U.F.O got detected near our atmosphere. It was moving at a very high speed and was enough to destroy the life of earth. It was an oval shaped large spaceship. The earth faced a hectic 7.5 Richter scale earthquake and a storm emerged with thunder in the sky. Suddenly earth for a moment stopped its rotation, revolution in a normal way. The gravitation pool got disrupted. This was enough to make humans and creation to stand still. So really will the human existence come to the end? The human civilization that had made so many developments and innovations will then face such challenge that they will be such helpless. It can be the end of the earth. The end that every scientist in this present day is predicting. Such an end will be the starting substrate for another new creation. Finally, the time came when the moving U.F.O got detected near our atmosphere. It was moving at a very high speed and was enough to destroy the life of earth. It was an oval shaped large spaceship. The earth faced a hectic 7.5 Richter scale earthquake and a storm emerged with thunder in the sky. Suddenly earth for a moment stopped its rotation, revolution in a normal way. The gravitation pool got disrupted. This was enough to make humans and creation to stand still. So really will the human existence come to the end? The human civilisation that had made so much developments and innovations will then face such challenge that they will be such helpless. It can be the end of the earth. This will be the end that every scientists in this present day are predicting. Such an end will be the starting substrate for another new creation. References Amos, J.R., Bashir, R., Cross, K.J., Herman, G.L., Loewenstein, J., Pool, M. and Silverman, D., 2017, June. 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