Saturday, February 15, 2020

Saigon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Saigon - Essay Example Buddhism is Saigon’s predominant religion that was introduced to the city during its domination by the Chinese, as well as by Indian preachers (Grey 34). Confucianism was also introduced by the Chinese but, interestingly, it became important after Chinese domination ended because the resulting monarchy viewed its political philosophy as more favorable. Finally, Taoism was also introduced by the Chinese and especially appealed to the local Saigon residents because of its polytheism and mysticism (Grey 38). Saigon’s history is mostly associated with war and destruction by most in the West, and for good reason. After being at the epicenter of Vietnam’s struggle for independence against the French, it again became the focus of attention in the US’ anti-Communism war in Asia during the 60s and 70s (Vo 51). The fall of Saigon in 1975 marked one of the biggest military defeats for the US and, soon after, its name was changed to Ho Chi Minh City. There is more about Saigon than its position in the War for Vietnam. The City is well known for its independence from outsiders despite its occupation by Khmer settlers, the Chinese, the French, and the US (Kent 41). The fall of Saigon to Communist forces also marked the end of direct military interventions in South East Asia. Moreover, Saigon’s contribution to popular culture cannot be overlooked with numerous movies and books about what its fall meant to the free

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Hotel Industry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Hotel Industry - Assignment Example People visit hotels for different purposes. The industry offers their customers various of services. The customers need lodging facilities where they can spend their nights and means of transport to move them from one place to another. Restaurants provide foods and drinks during the stay. The hotel industry offers cruise line services, especially for hotels that are located along the coast. Sometimes, customers may contract a selected hotel to oversee planning of special events such as anniversaries, weddings, and special days’ celebrations with proper entertainment services (Puri & Chand, 2009). Products provided by the hotel industry include all types food, soft drinks, and hard drinks. Customers for the hotel industry include people of all ages and races (Barrows & Powers, 2009). Demanders for hotel services and products consist of students, children, middle-aged citizens and the aged. People of all walks usually attend ceremonies such as weddings, conferences and other official functions because they have roles to perform in each of them. Wedding customers demand services of event planners, and these are mostly found in the hotel industry. Business travelers travel on expense account and seek secure hotels that are close to the places of their business rendezvous (Lockyer, 2007). Another group of hotel customers are leisure travelers; these also look for hotels that have leisure activities such as gymnasiums, swimming pools, playgrounds and racing equipment. The hotel industry is dispersed among many companies, each controlling a small market (Brody, 2009). The market structure for the hotel industry is perfect competition. In a perfectly competitive market, there are several buyers and sellers of a particular product; hence, customers have a variety of choices (Khan, 2007). This breaks the market into small portions and each company controls its own market portion. There are several companies in the hotel industry. These include Lords of the Manor, The Feathers Hotel Woodstock, Talbot Hotel, The Trout at Tadpole Bridge, Holbeck Ghyll County House Hotel, and Assured Hotels.