Monday, May 25, 2020

IBC History Paper - America Topics

IBC History Paper - America TopicsIBC History Paper 3: America Topics is typically hard to make a career in. For one thing, there's a lack of government jobs and major industries. For another, American history is not something that's studied very often and has a lot of different components.One of the things that make it very difficult to break into some great careers is the fact that many people find American history boring. It's the past. It's very dry. So they do what they do.Sociologist do a lot of ethnography. Historian do a lot of reading. Historians will find those areas in history that are interesting to read about and write about. They look at these topics in the abstract.Sociologists look at these topics through the lens of one specific society or people in that society. If you're a sociologist studying America in the nineteenth century and you don't understand the context of the people in that period, you're not going to be able to apply your ideas. It's hard to read a soci ety through one specific person.Historians understand America well and can tell you what the country was like at different points in time. Because America changed over time. We had several economic booms and we had several recessions.Sociologists, on the other hand, can't tell you what life was like in two hundred BC. So the two careers can be mutually exclusive. Because the social sciences have changed and become much more individualized.Sociologists will study individual cultures in detail. They will talk to their subjects and do interviews. It is easier to study different cultures with a focus on a certain set of issues.Sociologists understand America better because they're looking at different aspects of life from various countries. Therefore, it's easier to see that history from an outsider perspective.

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