Friday, May 22, 2020

Women at Risk of Human Trafficking - 1272 Words

Our rights are born with us as the second that we are born. There is no one has the right to change this fact no matter what, which we are free creatures and our humanity should be respected that are the most important. Although these are known rights in the whole world but there are criminals that are using human for their own good in cruel ways. There is a new business spreading around the world, which is called trafficking. Trafficking is dealing or trading in something illegal like human trafficking. This kind of business is considered illegal because it may harm human and abuse them. Human trafficking has many aspects such as trafficking by women, children and human body parts. It became common as organizations for many purposes like†¦show more content†¦Not to mention, the fact that there are mentally disordered category of men that prefer children in their sexual affairs and ready to pay large amount of money for these sexual organizations that offers them there reque st in the easiest way. In fact, Collin Rowland (2012), in â€Å"About Human Trafficking† has mentioned that greed and money are the primary controller of slavery when traffickers may not face any risk with high amount of money in return, when the U.N declared the total profit of human trafficking is over 32 billion dollars in 2007 only which exceeds the total profit of Google, Nike and Starbucks together. That large number of money in only one year will make them greed and do whatever it takes to run their illegal human trading business without the fear of getting caught in most cases to have this amount of money. Profits of these organizations show and explain the reason why they have abandoned their morals by dealing and trading in inhuman aspects. Nevertheless, some critics argue that these traffickers in fact are helping poor people and providing them a better life. Traffickers claim that they feel sympathy for the nature of life that women and children are facing in poor countries, while they are exposed to many difficulties as a result of poverty like hunger. It happens that most of women and children, especially from those poor and isolated environments are in desperateShow MoreRelatedSex Trafficking And Human Trafficking Essay1243 Words   |  5 Pages Human trafficking brings in billions of dollars into the U.S and all around the world. â€Å"The prime motive for such outrageous abuse is simple: money. In this $12 billion global business just one woman trafficked into the industrialized world can net her captors an average $67,000 a year† (Baird 2007). 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